...of another week already and I haven't had time to breathe, let alone post anything. Oh my. I haven't even been keeping up on my photo of the day, shame on me, the least I could do is stay on top of that. Good news, I have been writing again. I wrote a poem of sorts the other day for a dear friend of mine and I even started another one, but that one is still in the works. This week has been full of work, class and getting that slightly back to normal (whatever normal may be). I was house sitting for a week and a half or so near the beginning of term and now I'm back at my place. It was nice to house sit for a lot of reasons, one of them being that I was only about 3-5 minutes away from the college, so that meant that I could sleep in. Yay sleep. Another is that I had some peace and quiet and my own space for a little while. Still no luck on finding a place to call my own, although I have had to sort of put searching on the back burner for now. I will admit that I haven't been hitting the pavement as hard on that particular area of my life.
I only have 6 credits this term, but that added up to be a total of 4 classes and the equivalent of 8-12 credits worth of homework, which I am slightly behind on, but nothing that an evening with the books and a Friday in art class won't fix. At least I know my limitations.
I'm happy about tonight and about the fact that it is Thursday. Tonight I have ceramics and we are working on our coil projects; I think I finally know where I am going with mine. Afterwards I am crashing at a friends place, due to the class ending so late in the evening and my mother having to wake at 3:30am. I guess that means having to work ways around my late classes from here on out until I find my own place. No biggy though, I happen to rather like my current arrangement, well not living arrangement, but staying the night with friends thing.
Well, I hate to scram without anything on interest to post, but I must print out my next assignment for Library Science before I head to Core & Cardio.
{O.o} "Whhoo-Whhoo, What-what?"
/)__) Sincerely,
-"--"- Ashley Lynn
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