Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Been Awhile

Wow... Six days since I have posted last. *sigh* I wanted to try to make this an every day thing, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. I guess I'll be changing it to a when I get to it type thing.

Summer term has been crazy! In both good and bad ways. Lets end on a good note, so first the bad ways: I got dumbed, my computer laptop screen blacked out 1/3 of the screen, the Internet connection went funny so I couldn't do homework for awhile, which then led to me being behind on my net class, funds are low due to the only working a week out of this last month, still haven't found a place that adore cats as much as I do and car is squealing.

Good ways: the number one reason I'd still like to keep to myself atm, but I promise in due time I will shall (well, I shouldn't promise.), I was finally able to catch up on some of my homework last night, core & cardio and ceramics are going great, I am feeling artistic and inspired once again, I was able to keep my job for summer term, I'm getting a tattoo done next Friday, and back to the number one reason that keeps my feet on the ground, my head in the clouds and is my place I call home. :-)

Between work, school, outside friends, family and animals I sometimes feel like I am incapable of breathing. However, I don't really think that I would change too much. I am rather happy with were life seems to be going at the moment. It has been busy, yes, and there has been heart ache and hardship, but I believe that it is all worth it.

To all my friends who have stuck by my side through this chaotic mess and busy schedule....THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. You all mean a lot to me, more than I could ever explain and more than I have been showing as of late. Just remember that I love you all and even though life is hectic I will make time for you, especially if you need me.

And a very big special thanks goes out to the place I call home. xoxoxo.

{O.o} "Whhoo-Whhoo, What-what?"
/)__) Sincerely,
-"--"- Ashley Lynn

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