Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Don't Even Know

The title sort of explains where I'm at right now. I want to sit down and write something and/or be creative in some way, but I feel...I don't know. My head feels elsewhere, although I'm not to sure where that elsewhere place is..(feeling the need to make a Marrowind joke/reference).

This is maddening, it's like I can feel all of the creativity just seeping over the edges, waiting to come pouring out, but alas, I am left with nothing other than the feeling. Feeling like I am going to burst from the seams and go artistically crazy.

Perhaps a good dose of exercise class will help...but that's the thing, I don't want to exercise out my creativity... lol, read that again, exercise out my creativity, like it's some sort of demon. Oh for the love of peanut butter, it's no demon.

Maybe, I'll work a bit more on my apron today, or type out the few poems I had written lately. Oye, I need to do something. This drive, but no time or release, is maddening.

{O.o} "Whhoo-Whhoo, What-what?"
/)__) Sincerely,
-"--"- Ashley Lynn

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