Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Thought Found Among Cobwebs of 2010

When writing now, I have often found myself forcing to write the way I speak; due to the way people would react when reading something of mine. So I conformed. I used to write much differently then I spoke, more elaquant and slightly old fashioned. I was under the impression that we all did such things, however, to my suprise and dissatisfaction, I found I was wrong. Most people write how they speak and most people do not speak well at all. So I gave it some more thought; and I soon realized that I actually use to speak just as I wrote, elegantly and old fashioned, and sometimes very proper. It was my speaking that I had changed first, not my writing. I found that I had conformed to everyone's way of speaking and writing; and sometimes even their way of thinking, such a sad truth, a very long time ago. Also due to peoples reactions. That is when I had realized that I have to find who I truly am, not who they want me to be.

{O.o} "Whhoo-Whhoo, What-what?"
/)__) Sincerely,
-"--"- Ashley Lynn

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