Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A note to all readers and writers

A few weeks ago I wrote a reply to a fellow writer on who had thanked me for the kind review I had left on one of his poems. It had occured to me that maybe I should share this with the writing community. I believe it is important for all of us to take notice to as both reader and writers. It went as follows:

Thanks goes to you as well for your kind reviews. It means quite a lot to me to hear what others think, especially if the comments are a motivation to keep writing. I believe it is very important for writers of all genre to recieve feedback, but too often people can be overly critical and overlook the fact that they aren't the aurthors, their the readers. Both of which have signifigant importance in the writing community, of course; however there are ways to say things and help others grow to become better at their craft. Many times though in a writers life they have had to endure more negative critriziams then helpful tips.

Also, I am currently reading an amazing book that I think anyone could get helpful tips, uplifting advice and a good laugh from. If you are in the market for a book to read, my recommendation to you all is a wonderfully written must read by Brenda Ueland called "If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit". It can be found on, Barnes N Noble, or if your not looking to buy, try your local library.
{O.o} "Whhoo-whhoo, what-what?"
/)__) Sincerely,
-"--"- Ashley Lynn

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